This was a group project I designed along with two partners: Kara Strabbing and Brianna Weiss.

The concept for this project was to create easier access for students at Herron to get food seeing as the building is very detached from the rest of campus. We intended to combine this idea of accessibility while also combatting financial issues most students face: allowing for those who attend IUPUI to earn money by delivering food while also giving those same people the ability to use either meal credits (Crimson Cash) or actual money to order food from local participating businesses.

We each worked on the experience map shown above and branding of the company throughout the process. We also agreed to work on different aspects individually while getting constant feedback from each other. Below are the specific contributions I was trusted to complete on my own.

Icon/Mascot Design
Shirt Designs
Tamper Proof Stickers

Senior Capstone: Trippin Fitness


Comic Can