This exercise was meant to create branding for a hypothetical Olympic games featuring a random city in the year 2036. This includes general branding, web pages, promotional posters and official lanyards.

Olympic Branding

The logotype and its accompanying pattern were created with the intention of mimicking Barcelonas unique city scape; countless rows of buildings and streets creating their own pattern.

After research I found that locals, being very proud of their city, often use this pattern to represent their home: designing different ways to represent it on a range of apparel.

After rounds of exploration, the final logotype incorporated the pattern and common colors seen in both common landscape and textiles.

Seeing as Spain, especially Barcelona, loves Soccer, I chose to showcase this Olympic event in the majority of the branding. This included both the promotional poster and official ID card.


ID Lanyard

The pages were designed for Apparel, the Home Page as well as for Volunteer Information.

Web Pages



Stressless Desktop App


NBR Article Poster and Magazine Spread